Cybersecurity has become an essential and omnipresent concept in our lives. Currently, everything is controlled by computer systems, which forces us to take good care of our best practices related to cybersecurity and the management of data privacy. I created a presentation about this, I would like to share with you. This presentation incluse all these topics: (document is in Spanish) 1. Introduction to cybersecurity 2. Security in the physical and logical world 3. Security in the professional and personal field 4. Evolution of threats. Digital threat 5. Origins of the attacks to our network and objective assets of the attacks 6. Social engineering, identityRead More →

In the last years we are reading more and more news about massive (millions) breach of passwords in web services as communities, emails services, cloud services and others. Hackers simply are obtaining money stealing passwords and selling or misusing them. This presentation is focus on how to protect our accounts and with this also keep sure our digital identity, our image and also our money safe from hackers businesses. You can see my presentation here:    Read More →

Cyber Security Resilience & Risk Aggregation concepts have a near relationship because Risk aggregation refers to efforts done by firms to develop quantitative risk measures that incorporate multiple types or sources of risk. Cyber Security Resilience is the capacity to have different Cyber controls which can provide the organization an adequate resilience according the organization risk appetite by doing risk management of the aggregation of multiple types or sources of risk. One interesting topic is Internet of Things (IoT) which is increasing in our personal and professional life. The more assets are “shared” (including Critical Infrastructures and Smart Cities IT assets) the more risk we areRead More →

Nowadays the payment fraud landscape is changing quite fast. Changing from classic schemes as bank cheque fraud, faked manual payment orders to organized crime with corporate as targets. Understanding fraud also occurs when dishonest acts are committed without personal gain but are intended to create a loss or risk of loss for another person or entity. This includes the intentional misrepresentation of financial condition. I created a presentation where I explain in details this topic, you can see my presentation here: Payment fraud from Ramiro CidRead More →

Currently, market has a wide range of systems, products and services focused on computer security services: Antivirus, Antispyware, Firewalls, IPS, WAF, SIEM systems, etc. All these measures are indispensable and have become a priority for any company or organization towards ensuring its assets, but social engineering plays with the advantage that you can use techniques that violate own vulnerabilities inherent in human beings and, as is well known, for this there is no patch or upgrade that provides effective protection against such attacks. People is normally “the weak link in the chain”. I created a presentation where I explain in details this topic, you canRead More →

Nowadays, and even more in the future, Internet of Things, Big Data and Mobility will be present (they are already now) in our personal and professional life. The more these concepts grow, the more risk we are assuming about misuse of our Privacy Data, so more effort we will need to do to improve our privacy. Internet of Things definitely is a big relationship between physicalWorld and virtualWorld. In the future (already now) the extensive use of our data in this new “virtual World” causes a huge risk of misuse of our private data. Big Data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex thatRead More →