Seminar on Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become an essential and omnipresent concept in our lives. Currently, everything is controlled by computer systems, which forces us to take good care of our best practices related to cybersecurity and the management of data privacy.

I created a presentation about this, I would like to share with you.

This presentation incluse all these topics: (document is in Spanish)

1. Introduction to cybersecurity
2. Security in the physical and logical world
3. Security in the professional and personal field
4. Evolution of threats. Digital threat
5. Origins of the attacks to our network and objective assets of the attacks
6. Social engineering, identity theft and other computer crimes
7. Possible solutions (techniques)
8. Possible solutions (not technical)
9. Good security practices in the use of email, Internet and mobile devices
10. Controls on the confidentiality of printed information and the workplace
11. Password management and monitoring of their filtering

You can see my presentation here (in Spanish):

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