Welcome to my website of Best Practices in IT Governance & IT Security Management.
In addition to IT Governance & IT Security, I have more areas of interest: Technology, Data privacy and Web position.
I manage this site to share my knowledge and experience in all these areas with all professional an nonprofessional people who want to share his/her experiences.
I try to regularly create new posts on my blog.
I wish to contribute to the goal of improving all aspects of best practices management on IT security in the areas of organization, always looking to achieve cost optimization in the way of achieving a goal of reducing IT risks business.
“I am convinced that no one will have limits on their development within their professional and personal level if you keep the focus on improving every day all key aspects related to the goals to achieve.”
Ramiro Cid
I’ve always liked the next statement of ISACA, I continue “evangelising” in this way:
“… Increasingly, those who understand the scope and depth of the risks to which the information is exposed are taking the position that, as a critical resource, information must be treated with the same care, caution and prudence receive any other essential to the survival of the organization active and perhaps society itself…”.