Whatsapp Sniffer: An example application that exploits security vulnerabilities Whatsapp
Yes, WhatsApp, the famous messaging program that the vast majority of us use. The same program that lets you send free messages, photos, video and even our GPS location also has its dark side.
Already been reported at different times and by different means WhatsApp is one of the most secure applications as it has many security holes and does not encrypt your data. This has led to different applications. I will mention one.
WhatsApp Sniffer: As mentioned before, WhatsApp sends all our messages in plaintext, unencrypted. As anyone in the same WiFi can easily get the conversations and even multimedia content transmitted to and from your phone via WhatsApp. This process is further facilitated if the WhatsApp Sniffer is used.
It is a packet sniffer automatically obtains Whatsapp chats there at that time. Connecting to a WiFi and using this application, you can get all conversations you have at that time in the event that the other users that are using Whatsapp Wifi (not applicable when using 3G).
WhatsApp team is aware of these problems for almost 2 years, but have not solved. This vulnerability is present in Android, iPhone, Symbian and Windows Phone. The Blackberry does not have this risk because they use their own servers for secure communications.
The intention of this post is not to disclose this application snifer otherwise the stress the importance of knowing the world as it can be used against you do not ignore it completely.
The application is not in Play Store or Apple Store, but you can get a little Internet searching.
As users you know of uncertainty in Whatsapp, so it is not recommended to send very important conversations and secret documents Whatsapp.